Do you have a topic that you would like to see here?
Please send us your comments by email or phone.
- OZO Site Requirements: Power, Air, Space, etc.
- Upgrade/Install software from website
- Mechanical Etch vs. Chemicals to Manufacture PCBs
- Managing a large number of Job Setups
- Video Tuning: Image is everything
- ISO 9000 Operator Procedure – Convert PCX to JPG
- SmartCamera Operation
- How to Calibrate Model 18 & 24
- Back up your OZO software painlessly
- Would you like a USB port on your OZO PC?
- Would you like an Ethernet RJ-11 port on your OZO PC?
- How to build a Fixture to hold your PCBs for Depaneling
- Vacuum waste from within fixture
- SBC industry still booming (Single Board Computer)
- Shop floor machinery still needs old slow processors
- F1 Context Sensitive Help: Download 00000000.hlp from website for help
- Feed Rates: XY Cutting Speed, Z plunge rate
- Feed & Speeds: Suggested Cutting Rates for proper clean routing of PCBs
- G-Code: Drill/Rout commands, CAD/CAD, ANSI IPC 351, Excellon II standard
- MC3000 bias adjust
- Reporting Software Bugs: can you repeat error consistently/DBGs/GETENV
- CNC Trade Associations & Blogs